Weekly check-in with Jessica from the UMaine 4-H Learning Centers at Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove. With the 4-H and Earth Pledges, nature appreciations (what we've been noticing in nature this week), and a reflection.
Happy March!
This week we had some awesome nature appreciations including spotting Hooded Mergansers on Pitcher Pond for the first time. This bird species is one we only see for a few days on the fish pond before they move off or into the larger Pitcher Pond. It's a sight that we consider a harbinger of spring. We counted 5 male and 3 female birds.
Today we also observed steam coming off both the pond and Ducktrap River as the water temperature was much warmer than the air temperature. The resulting steam (or cold-condensing of the water) causes ice crystals to form on all overhanging branches and surrounding rocks. It's quite a beautiful phenomenon and a neat reminder about the water cycle!
For reflection today, Jessica shared a quote by Mohandas Gandhi, "What is true of the individual will tomorrow true of the whole nation if individuals will but refused to lose heart and hope." This quote came to mind in thinking about people all over the world who are facing conflict. To have hope is an amazing thing. We find hope is often connected to imagination, to be able to imagine the world or one's experience to be different or better then leads to the overwhelming feeling of hope. And once that hope takes hold, it is hard to lose as the heart also becomes engaged.
We reflect on the character traits modeled for us in the 4-H Pledge and the reminders in both pledges of how interconnected we are on this earth. We hope everyone is well and staying healthy. The month of March is a long one but where we find the Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox, something we all love celebrating. Take care and be well ❤️🍀
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