Weekly check-in with Jessica from the UMaine 4-H Learning Centers at Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove. With the 4-H and Earth Pledges, nature appreciations (what we've been noticing in nature this week), and a reflection. Today we're focusing on being present to seasonal changes. Noticing what is always present in the world around us, but may often go unseen amidst everything else that is going on/present. How much greener the lungwort appears in the gray of late fall versus in the height of summer, for example. Our reflection and inspiration are on a short quote from Mary Oliver, "Just a minute," said a voice in the weeds. So I stood still in the days exquisite early morning light." Even though I cannot see the sunrise from my patch of woods in the morning, I can see the light reflected on the tallest of white pine trees. How often do we dismiss that which we cannot see without noticing that we may be able to witness it in the reflection of what we can see? We hope that you remain safe and healthy. Take care. ❤️🍀
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