D2L Scenario #1 Course Copy and Migration
From BJ Kitchin
From BJ Kitchin
Dr. Smith teaches a large, 120 student, Introduction to Biology course every semester. She has spent the last four years cultivating her course content. With the transition to a new LMS, she is worried that she will lose all of her hard work and spend undue hours recreating content. Dr. Smith is teaching the same course in Fall of 2019. She would like to set up and run the Fall 2019 course just as she did during the Fall 2018 semester. Describe the course migration process as well as the most micro level at which an instructor may copy course content from one course to another (i.e., can an instructor copy individual assignments or similar content, rather than the whole course or assignment categories). The ideal goal answer is the instructor can customize course copies at the item level, and does not have to copy and then delete excessive content to arrive at the same result (i.e. multiple student assignments in gradebook from previous semester; student replies in discussion threads).