D2L Scenario #5 Differentiating the needs of faculty
From BJ Kitchin
From BJ Kitchin
Professor Johnson teaches online history courses. History, as presented in his courses, is not a discipline where students simply memorize “facts,” but one where data are used to figure out what the facts might be. Student participation in on-line asynchronous discussions is important to to this process. He has not, however, found a system which provides students easy access into a discussion area where they might:
Can your LMS help Professor Johnson?
On the other hand, Dr. Huang is a heavy user of the LMS. Her courses take advantage of many of the LMS’s features and some 3rd party integrations. In teaching her course, however, she finds students need a couple weeks to get used to the interface and she loses out on quality instructional time. Ideally, she needs the ability to show and hide LMS features as they are needed in the course, so students are not overwhelmed when they first log in.