Search for tag: "agr"

Growing Maine: Stoneheart Farm

Doreen and John Simmons of Stoneheart Farm in South Paris have two invaluable members of their farm family — border collies Gwen and Bea. Without the dogs, the farmers say they could not do…

From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 26 plays 0  

Working for Maine's Apple Industry

Offering reliable pest management advice and University research, Cooperative Extension is an invaluable resource to Maine's Apple Industry.

+2 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 4 plays

What Is the Slow Food Movement?

University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses connection between growing food and health.

+3 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 64 plays 0  

Starting a Farm Business

University of Maine Cooperative Extension talks about what you need to do before starting a farm business, and the importance of having a plan in place to reach your goals.

From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 4 plays 0  

Starting a Farm Business in Maine

University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses their work with people interested in starting a farm in Maine. Testimonial and tips from participants in the "So, You Want to Farm in…

+3 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 4 plays 0  

What Is Aquaculture?

University of Maine Cooperative Extension provides an introduction to aquaculture, or farming using water instead of land.

From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 10 plays 0  

Research About New England's Organic Wheat Crop

University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses research being done in Maine and Vermont to produce high quality bread wheat.

From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 2 plays 0  

Partnering with the Maine Department of Agriculture

University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Department of Agriculture work together to help Maine farmers create business plans, market their products, and seek business loans.

+6 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 3 plays 0  

New Farmers: What Is a Farm Enterprise?

University of Maine Cooperative Extension talks about what new farmers can think about in their farm business. Topics such as value added, production cycle and time management are discussed.

+5 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 7 plays 0  

How to Test Forage Quality

University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses the nutritional importance of forage quality and recommended sampling techniques.

+7 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 51 plays 0  

How to Prevent Sheep Foot Rot

University of Maine Cooperative Extension shows how to prevent sheep foot rot, how to correctly trim sheep's feet, and what affects the disease has on the sheep in your flock.

+7 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 7 plays 0  

New Farmers: How to Help with Conflict Resolution

University of Maine Cooperative Extension talks about the Agriculture Mediation Program, how it is funded, and how the program can assist in mediating conflicts.

+7 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 2 plays 0  

How to Create a Farm Business Plan

University of Maine Cooperative Extension provides information on why creating a farm business plan is so important and what marketing, operations, and finances mean to your plan.

+6 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 11 plays 0  

How Can the Maine Board of Pesticides Control Help New Maine Farmers?

University of Maine Cooperative Extension shows how the Maine Board of Pesticides educates farmers about pesticides and their role in organic agriculture, provides training and licensing, and works…

+7 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 1 plays 0  

How to Frost Seed

University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses the technique of frost seeding to help improve production, and increase diversity, in hayfield grasses and legumes.

+8 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 22 plays 0  

Growing Maine: Simply Macarons

Young Maine entrepreneur Jaelin Roberts, founder of Simply Macarons, shares the story of her business and some of the science behind making macarons. Winner of the 2018 entrepreneurship award from…

+5 More
From  Cindy Eves-Thomas 45 plays 0