07:16duration 7 minutes 16 seconds
Chest tube dressing change Part 1
06:17duration 6 minutes 17 seconds
Tracheostomy Care Part 2
06:09duration 6 minutes 9 seconds
Tracheostomy Care Part 1
15:12duration 15 minutes 12 seconds
Tracheostomy Suctioning
09:56duration 9 minutes 56 seconds
G-Tube Admin Part 2
Suctioning Trach
03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
Well-Water Testing for Food Producers
University of Maine Cooperative Extension water and food safety experts discuss well-water testing for food producers.
04:44duration 4 minutes 44 seconds
Maintaining the Garden: Water Safety
University of Maine Cooperative Extension discusses different types of water sources for your garden and how each can affect food safety.