Search for tag: "st. john river valley"
Knights of Columbus, Council No. 1934A history of the Knights of Columbus Council No. 1934, Fort Kent, Maine, in honor of the organization’s class of 1991. Extended photo montage with personal and historical commentary. Includes a…
From Susan Pinette
38 plays
Zenon & Beatrice DaigleInterview with Zenon and Beatrice Daigle at their homestead in Fort Kent, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 6 November 2007.Language: English and French
From Susan Pinette
57 plays
Priscilla_chasse_Pt3_of_3Interview with Priscilla Chassé at her home in Fort Kent, Maine. Conducted and recorded by Dr. Marc Chassé, 17 November 2011.Language: English
From Susan Pinette
6 plays
Priscilla_chasse_Pt2_of_3Interview with Priscilla Chassé at her home in Fort Kent, Maine. Conducted and recorded by Dr. Marc Chassé, 17 November 2011.Language: English
From Susan Pinette
5 plays
Priscilla Chasse Pt1 of 3Interview with Priscilla Chassé at her home in Fort Kent, Maine. Conducted and recorded by Dr. Marc Chassé, 17 November 2011.Language: English
From Susan Pinette
13 plays
Dr. Barry AnceletPresentation by Dr. Barry Ancelet, professor of Modern Languages at the University of Southwestern Lousiana in Lafayette, Lousiana. Featured at a meeting of the Maine Acadian Heritage Council in Van…
From Susan Pinette
7 plays
Charlotte CormierElementary school presentation in northern Maine offered by Charlotte Cormier, a scholar in Acadian folksong traditions and a musician from Moncton, New Brunswick. Recorded 17 October 1997.Language:…
From Susan Pinette
69 plays
Charlotte CormierLecture and round-table conversation in Maine’s St. John Valley on Acadian folk music, directed by Charlotte Cormier of Moncton, New Brunswick. Includes a presentation of songbooks and…
From Susan Pinette
18 plays
Northern Aroostook Regional AirportCeremony marking developments to the Northern Aroostook Regional Airport in Frenchville, Maine, and the welcoming of New England Air Transport. Includes a description by Jim Thibodeau of the…
From Susan Pinette
0 plays
Gary PelletierInterview with Gary Pelletier, Maine Game Warden, at his home in Cross Lake Township, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 23 May 2005.Language: English
From Susan Pinette
20 plays
Candy DesrosiersInterview with Candy Desrosiers at her home in St. Agatha, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 19 March 2001.Language: French and English
From Susan Pinette
11 plays
Martin LavoieInterview with Martin Lavoie of Madawaska, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 1 April 2010.Language: French
From Susan Pinette
2 plays
Jeanine BouchardInterview with Jeanine Bouchard of Dijon, France at her home in Eagle Lake, Maine. End portion includes the participation of Linda Voisine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 30 December 2003.Language:…
From Susan Pinette
16 plays
Gary DumondInterview with Gary Dumond, Vietnam War veteran, at his home on Eagle Lake, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 13 December 2005.Language: English
From Susan Pinette
18 plays
Marc ChasséInterview with Dr. Marc Chassé at his home in Fort Kent, Maine. Conducted and recorded by Priscilla Chassé, 17 November 2011
From Susan Pinette
14 plays
Fr. Alphie MarquisInterview with Fr. Alphie Marquis at his home in Eagle Lake, Maine. Recorded by Dr. Marc Chasse, 8 January 1992.Language: English (first half) and French (second half)
From Susan Pinette
13 plays